Mia Schachter

Mia Schachter

Consent Educator and Intimacy Coordinator

Mia Schachter is a consent educator, writer, speaker, podcaster, artist, and the Intimacy Director in Residence at The Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles. After spending ten years in New York working in theater and visual art, they returned to their hometown of Los Angeles in 2018. Their BA in Philosophy, and their academic background in gender studies, ethics, and neuroscience informs their work. They can be found on Instagram @consent.wizardry


Consent Educator and Intimacy Coordinator

Mia Schachter is a consent educator, writer, podcaster, artist, and the Intimacy Director in Residence at The Geffen Playhouse in Los Angeles.  After spending ten years in New York working in theater and visual art, they returned to their hometown of Los Angeles in 2018. Their BA in Philosophy, and their academic background in gender studies, ethics, and neuroscience informs their work.

Mia found the magic of consent through working with and training in various modalities including Non-Violent Communication, multiple consent frameworks, somatic work, and intimacy coordination. They’ve developed a holistic and embodied approach to consent that takes into account the gut-brain axis, polyvagal theory, trauma, and neurodiversity. They are not a mental health professional.

When they learned about consent in a concrete, full-body, integrative way that tapped into their ability to be mindful, present, to listen, be authentic, and find their confidence, it was as though they had been living in black and white and could suddenly see in color. A veil had been lifted, one that had been placed by systems of oppression such as Capitalism (scarcity, urgency, money as the goal), the gender binary, White Supremacy, and Patriarchy, to name a few. Their relationship with their self deepened. Their body began to heal. They had more energy and creativity began to flow out of them. They experienced more synchronicity, more ease in their relationships, and their career became an authentic part of their self-expression. They even began to make more money and feel more resourced.

They use multiple consent frameworks, foundational vocabulary, Polyvagal Theory, Attachment Theory, and practice exercises for feeling your ‘no,’ reflective listening, and emotional attunement. Whether you personally want support in finding, communicating, and maintaining your boundaries, private consent training, or your business could benefit from the mitigation of power dynamics and enhanced communication to foster creative flow, they can craft a program that fits your needs. Their work focuses on both the micro, interpersonal dynamics as well as the macro, systemic forms of oppression that insidiously take hold of our minds and hearts.

Mia can be found on Instagram @consent.wizardry


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